How To Turn Your Online Business Into A Mobile Marketing Campaign

Even if your online business is doing well, it could be doing a whole lot better with an effective mobile marketing campaign working for you. It’s not difficult to turn your online business mobile-friendly, it just takes know-how and consistency, but you’re used to that by now, right? Just like always, keep these tips handy and put them to use the next time you want to take your online business to the next level with an engaging and highly-effective mobile marketing campaign.


This is a preview of How To Turn Your Online Business Into A Mobile Marketing Campaign. Click here to read How To Turn Your Online Business Into A Mobile Marketing Campaign in full (806 words, 3 images, estimated 3:13 mins reading time)

Try Contest Marketing To Boost Your Online Business Revenue

If you are looking for a way to substantially boost your online business revenue, you should consider trying your hand at contest marketing. With regular contests and prizes that your audience cares about, you’ll soon see just how effective this form of marketing can be. To be effective at contest marketing, you must know your audience inside and out. You must know your subject matter and you must have a way to get regular contests out to your readers, viewers, prospects and customers. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time or even the second or third times. The great thing about contests is that you can hold them over and over again until you get it just right.

This is a preview of Try Contest Marketing To Boost Your Online Business Revenue. Click here to read Try Contest Marketing To Boost Your Online Business Revenue in full (821 words, 3 images, estimated 3:17 mins reading time)

How To Create, Build And Sell Your Online Business

If you have dreams of making it big online, one of the best things you can do is create, build and sell your very own online business. To succeed at this, you need a great idea. You need a business that will not only generate a lot of attention, but it needs to be sustainable. Your business must have a way of making money, lots of money if you hope to generate lots of buying attention, and, most importantly, you need to leverage that business so that you can get as much out of it as possible at auction or selling time. Are you ready to get started? Let’s begin with our big online business idea.

This is a preview of How To Create, Build And Sell Your Online Business. Click here to read How To Create, Build And Sell Your Online Business in full (828 words, 2 images, estimated 3:19 mins reading time)

Online Marketing: The Best Way To Find Potential Clients

Marketing your business online is one of the best decisions you could ever make, especially in this day and age of mobile Internet-capable devices. It seems that everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, a tablet computer in their backpack or purse, and at the very least they all have computers back home or at the office. Young kids, teenagers, the middle aged and the elderly all get online these days, and, according to recent statistics, about 80% of those Internet users are turning to search engines like Google to find local businesses. To be clear, potential clients are out there searching for a business just like yours. Whether or not those potential clients can find your business is another story altogether.

This is a preview of Online Marketing: The Best Way To Find Potential Clients. Click here to read Online Marketing: The Best Way To Find Potential Clients in full (921 words, 3 images, estimated 3:41 mins reading time)

Aweber Split Testing (Email Marketing Training)

Image representing AWeber Communications as de...
Image via CrunchBase

One of the most important elements of marketing is your mailing list. In fact, it’s probably your single, most valuable asset.

What you do with your lists, how you communicate to your public, what you say, what you promote, what words you use in your emails to your customers, all these things make a huge difference in the success of your online business. So how to do you figure out what to say in your emails, what’s effective and what isn’t? TESTING, that’s how.

This is a preview of Aweber Split Testing (Email Marketing Training). Click here to read Aweber Split Testing (Email Marketing Training) in full (158 words, 2 images, estimated 38 secs reading time)

Guess Who Slapped Google? How Will It Impact Your Online Marketing?

The Internet world was turned on it’s head this week. Someone actually slapped Google! How could this happen, who did it & what does this mean for you online marketing? Find out tonight during my LIVE show…

The show starts TONIGHT at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:

If you are a member of my Business Inner Circle, you should go to:

This is a preview of Guess Who Slapped Google? How Will It Impact Your Online Marketing?. Click here to read Guess Who Slapped Google? How Will It Impact Your Online Marketing? in full (114 words, estimated 27 secs reading time)

Marketing Your Way Out Of It

Although I discussed this topic on my live show right before Christmas this past year, it applies to all of us from time to time. So I wanted to mention it now.

We often have the urge during traditionally “tough” economic times like holidays, to go into agreement with them, and blame those holidays or seasons for drops in our sales, low income, etc. What times are “tough” depend on what business you’re in. We say “Things are always slow this time of year” or “It’s the economy” or “It’s the holidays”. But saying those things doesn’t improve the situation, it just justifies low production.

This is a preview of Marketing Your Way Out Of It. Click here to read Marketing Your Way Out Of It in full (180 words, estimated 43 secs reading time)

18 Feb 10 Live Questions Answered

Did you miss last Tuesday’s live show at  Here’s what you missed!  The answers to the following questions:

1. Is Google just throwing out so many products they want to see what sticks?

2. What should a noob do to get into the Internet Marketing industry?

3. Does Google Buzz have an open API?

4. How do Google Buzz email alerts work?

5. What’s the difference between “white hat” and “black hat” marketing?

This is a preview of 18 Feb 10 Live Questions Answered. Click here to read 18 Feb 10 Live Questions Answered in full (102 words, estimated 24 secs reading time)

Internet Marketing VS Gambling

Do you have the idea that you have about as much control over your internet marketing as you do over a hand of cards at a blackjack table or a lottery ticket? Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not true. You DO have control over the outcome of your marketing efforts.

This is a preview of Internet Marketing VS Gambling. Click here to read Internet Marketing VS Gambling in full (232 words, 1 image, estimated 56 secs reading time)