Aweber Split Testing (Email Marketing Training)

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One of the most important elements of marketing is your mailing list. In fact, it’s probably your single, most valuable asset.

What you do with your lists, how you communicate to your public, what you say, what you promote, what words you use in your emails to your customers, all these things make a huge difference in the success of your online business. So how to do you figure out what to say in your emails, what’s effective and what isn’t? TESTING, that’s how.

This is a preview of Aweber Split Testing (Email Marketing Training). Click here to read Aweber Split Testing (Email Marketing Training) in full (158 words, 2 images, estimated 38 secs reading time)

Marketing Your Way Out Of It

Although I discussed this topic on my live show right before Christmas this past year, it applies to all of us from time to time. So I wanted to mention it now.

We often have the urge during traditionally “tough” economic times like holidays, to go into agreement with them, and blame those holidays or seasons for drops in our sales, low income, etc. What times are “tough” depend on what business you’re in. We say “Things are always slow this time of year” or “It’s the economy” or “It’s the holidays”. But saying those things doesn’t improve the situation, it just justifies low production.

This is a preview of Marketing Your Way Out Of It. Click here to read Marketing Your Way Out Of It in full (180 words, estimated 43 secs reading time)

Internet Marketing VS Gambling

Do you have the idea that you have about as much control over your internet marketing as you do over a hand of cards at a blackjack table or a lottery ticket? Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not true. You DO have control over the outcome of your marketing efforts.

This is a preview of Internet Marketing VS Gambling. Click here to read Internet Marketing VS Gambling in full (232 words, 1 image, estimated 56 secs reading time)

Internet Marketing Questions Answered

During my live Tuesday night show, I always answer questions asked to me by public in the live chats.  This week a lot of questions about internet marketing were asked and answered.  And I thought it would be helpful to post that video here for those of you who are interested in answers to any of the following questions:

What is the future of Adwords?

My Adwords account has been under review for two weeks.  Is that normal?

What is the future of mobile websites?

This is a preview of Internet Marketing Questions Answered. Click here to read Internet Marketing Questions Answered in full (101 words, 1 image, estimated 24 secs reading time)