Pay Per Click Basics You Need To Know To Get Your Internet Business Off The Ground

In the world of online advertising, nothing is more effective at traffic generation than pay-per-click marketing. For decades, advertisers and marketers have been searching for ways to deliver targeted ads to consumers. In the past, magazine, newspaper, television and radio ads have delivered that content beautifully. Then, the internet came along. Pay-per-click advertising platforms soon followed and advertisers were hooked. Finally, ads can be delivered to consumers in real time and they can be targeted specifically towards the search engine users’ interests. If you’re selling power tools, your ads are going to show up whenever someone searches for electronic drills, nail guns and cordless sanders. However, for PPC marketing to be effective you must learn the basics. The following will help you get your PPC marketing campaign started so that you can get your Internet business off the ground.

This is a preview of Pay Per Click Basics You Need To Know To Get Your Internet Business Off The Ground. Click here to read Pay Per Click Basics You Need To Know To Get Your Internet Business Off The Ground in full (1066 words, 3 images, estimated 4:16 mins reading time)

Hire My Personal Website Marketing Dream Team To Promote Your Own Sites

Last night on my live show I had a big announcement. If you didn’t hear about it already, you’ll certainly want to know what it’s all about:

I would like to have my entire marketing team get you search engine rankings & a TON of traffic to your website. This is the same team who does the marketing for my websites & they’ll use the exact same techniques that I use. Don’t worry, it’s WAY more affordable then you could possibly imagine. Check it out here:

This is a preview of Hire My Personal Website Marketing Dream Team To Promote Your Own Sites. Click here to read Hire My Personal Website Marketing Dream Team To Promote Your Own Sites in full (245 words, estimated 59 secs reading time)

Tonight’s Show: Important Announcement About An Amazing Online Marketing Service

I’ve got some big news I’d like to share with you this tonight March 31st.

I’ve put together something really amazing that is in “pre-launch” and I’m only letting a limited number of my subscribers & the viewers of my online show take part.

I’m also looking for joint venture partners, affiliates & resellers who are interested in making really good money promoting this new service. You can earn large residual monthly payments if you take part in promoting it. I’ll talk about this Tuesday night also.

This is a preview of Tonight’s Show: Important Announcement About An Amazing Online Marketing Service. Click here to read Tonight’s Show: Important Announcement About An Amazing Online Marketing Service in full (170 words, estimated 41 secs reading time)

My Live Show Is On Tonight @ 6:30 Pacific… Tonights topic: YouTube Marketing & Your Questions

Tune in live here:

I’ll cover my recent testing of YouTube’s new sponsored search campaigns.  Will the be the next AdWords?  Or will it be a flop?

I’ll also be taking your live questions on anything to do with doing business online and Internet marketing… See you there @ 6:30 PM Pacific Time.

Is YouTube’s New Sponsored PPC Search The New Google Adwords?

I just posted this new YouTube video that shows you step by step how to set up your YouTube account & start using the brand new YouTube sponsored search advertising feature:

YouTube Sponsored PPC Search: The New Google Adwords

It should show you everything you need to know in order to get started.  It basically works like any other PPC (pay per click) search advertising.  You put in the keyword you want to target and the highest price you’re willing to pay for clicks.

This is a preview of Is YouTube’s New Sponsored PPC Search The New Google Adwords?. Click here to read Is YouTube’s New Sponsored PPC Search The New Google Adwords? in full (202 words, estimated 48 secs reading time)

Google Penalizing Slow Websites

Last week Google accidentally let slip that they will be penalizing AdWords advertisers for slow loading times of landing pages. You can view the Google’s FAQ on this topic here.

(For those not intimately familiar with AdWords, if you are bidding $.05 for the keyword phrase “best keyword ever”, you may have to increase your bid anywhere from $.20 to as much as $10.00 if Google thinks your landing page is too slow.)

This is a preview of Google Penalizing Slow Websites. Click here to read Google Penalizing Slow Websites in full (536 words, 2 images, estimated 2:09 mins reading time)

Google AdWords VS Webmasters: Google Slap Round 4

For those of you who don’t know: Google periodically cleans house in their AdWords program. They single out websites and assign them a poor “quality score”. These sites hit by this bad score have their minimum bid prices skyrocket to $5 or $10 per click. This effectively bans you from AdWords since most webmasters cannot afford to pay $10 for every click Google sends their way.

This is a preview of Google AdWords VS Webmasters: Google Slap Round 4. Click here to read Google AdWords VS Webmasters: Google Slap Round 4 in full (553 words, 1 image, estimated 2:13 mins reading time)

Google Testing Ways to Kill Your AdWords Income

Today I was shocked to find Google testing YouTube listings and additional Google products to their regular AdWords area. This could signal big changes ahead for AdWords and possible losses of traffic for AdWords advertisers.

This one change could cost you your online business!

In my video below, I’ll show you what I found and explain what Google has been testing and what these new search results could mean for Google AdWords advertisers:

This is a preview of Google Testing Ways to Kill Your AdWords Income. Click here to read Google Testing Ways to Kill Your AdWords Income in full (193 words, estimated 46 secs reading time)

Attending Online Marketing Seminar: “Two Sides Of Traffic Workshop: Adwords Meets Organic”

Just a quick note…

I’m off tonight for San Diego to Howie Schwartz’s online marketing seminar this weekend December 14th & 15th.

The event is titled: “Two Sides Of Traffic Workshop: Adwords Meets Organic”

There are two seminars:

Friday’s event is regarding two ways of driving online web traffic. The first is covering expert level use of AdWords to drive paid online visitors to your website. The second, about using search engine optimization and other traffic “tricks” to bring visitors to your site. So it’s a covering both the free and paid side of traffic generation.

This is a preview of Attending Online Marketing Seminar: “Two Sides Of Traffic Workshop: Adwords Meets Organic”. Click here to read Attending Online Marketing Seminar: “Two Sides Of Traffic Workshop: Adwords Meets Organic” in full (343 words, 1 image, estimated 1:22 mins reading time)