Getting Web Traffic With Social Media

Without web traffic, your online marketing efforts are going to fall very flat. Lucky for you, there is tons of web traffic out there. With billions of people using the Internet on a daily basis, you only need to funnel a tiny fraction of that web traffic in your direction and you’ll succeed. One of the best ways to funnel this traffic is with social media. Social media is taking the world by storm. Young people, middle aged and elderly alike use social media and this makes it one of the best forms of traffic generation the world has ever seen. The thing is, getting web traffic with social media is much easier said than done. It must be handled very delicately if you hope to succeed. Social media traffic generation rule number one is: Don’t be a salesperson.

This is a preview of Getting Web Traffic With Social Media. Click here to read Getting Web Traffic With Social Media in full (814 words, 3 images, estimated 3:15 mins reading time)

(UN)fair Warning… Ultimate Traffic Tactics Internet Marketing Seminar

How do I put this…?

The other day I sent you an email about your complimentary ticket to The Ultimate Traffic Tactics seminar coming up in a few weeks.

Details are at the link below, but first…

I’m giving you (UN)fair warning…

The fair warning part is this: We’ve already blown through the first block of hotel rooms faster than I ever imagined! (cool peeps are coming you will definitely want to meet)

This is a preview of (UN)fair Warning… Ultimate Traffic Tactics Internet Marketing Seminar. Click here to read (UN)fair Warning… Ultimate Traffic Tactics Internet Marketing Seminar in full (312 words, estimated 1:15 mins reading time)

The Best Epic Traffic Systems Bonus You’ll Find Anywhere

Everyone’s giving out iPads these days so I wanted you to have a 2nd choice in case you already have an iPad. That’s why I’m also offering this great HD camera & Camtasia Studio package. These are the very same camera and software I personally use for my video marketing. I’ll take this one step further and offer to LET YOU PICK YOUR BONUS… ANY BONUS! If you want something besides the iPad or Kodak/Camtasia combo… not problem! I’ll just send you over a $500 giftcard to Amazon or Ebay and let you buy your own bonus! In addition I’m including 10 more amazing bonuses that you’ll read about below and a special early bird fast start bonus that only 10 people will win!

This is a preview of The Best Epic Traffic Systems Bonus You’ll Find Anywhere. Click here to read The Best Epic Traffic Systems Bonus You’ll Find Anywhere in full (910 words, 10 images, estimated 3:38 mins reading time)

Driving Search Engine Listings, Traffic & Sales With Social Media Sites

This is a very time sensitive post: In just a little while I’m doing a no cost live webinar on how to drive traffic & get search engine listings using social media sites.  This is a valuable tactic hardly anyone is using and I’m doing the training exclusively for people who sign up for my “early bird” list over on Business Inner Circle Elite at:

If you go sign up now, You’ll still have time to get in.  I’ll email everyone on the early bird list when I go live.  I’ll also set up an archive of the live training and will email all “early birds” with the link.

Signing up to the early bird list doesn’t obligate you to buy anything. By signing up you’ll qualify to get your 50% off coupon when I put Business Inner Circle Elite on sale.  In addition I’m giving away great training like this for no cost to everyone who signs up. Since you’re interested in learning this stuff, you’ll definitely want to sign up before you run out of time:

I’ll see you on the live training!

Google Testing Ways to Kill Your AdWords Income

Today I was shocked to find Google testing YouTube listings and additional Google products to their regular AdWords area. This could signal big changes ahead for AdWords and possible losses of traffic for AdWords advertisers.

This one change could cost you your online business!

In my video below, I’ll show you what I found and explain what Google has been testing and what these new search results could mean for Google AdWords advertisers:

This is a preview of Google Testing Ways to Kill Your AdWords Income. Click here to read Google Testing Ways to Kill Your AdWords Income in full (193 words, estimated 46 secs reading time)