Why People Still Prefer Pinterest Over Other Social Networks

The social network Pinterest, though still in its infancy, is already showing much more promise than any other social network that has come before it. Facebook, Twitter and even Google+ didn’t experience near the same growth in their first years as Pinterest has. The site has an excess of 10 million users and that number continues to climb every day. So why do people still prefer Pinterest over Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and all other social networks? The moment you visit the site, register and log on, you’ll soon learn why the site is generating so much interest from marketers and consumers alike.

This is a preview of Why People Still Prefer Pinterest Over Other Social Networks. Click here to read Why People Still Prefer Pinterest Over Other Social Networks in full (832 words, 1 image, estimated 3:20 mins reading time)

How Twitter Has Changed Over The Years And Why It Still Works

If you haven’t used Twitter for online marketing purposes, you may be missing out on some serious market share. With everyone so focused on Facebook, many people don’t realize that Twitter is not far behind the social giant in popularity and scope. If Facebook can gain your business more exposure and sales, Twitter can do the same, only it might do it better. Let’s take a look at Twitter, how the social platform has changed over the years and how to use it today to take your online marketing efforts to new heights.

This is a preview of How Twitter Has Changed Over The Years And Why It Still Works. Click here to read How Twitter Has Changed Over The Years And Why It Still Works in full (1061 words, 3 images, estimated 4:15 mins reading time)

What Is Facebook Exchange And Why Should Advertisers And Shareholders Be Excited?

Facebook, the most popular social networking platform the world has ever seen, has long been searching for more efficient ways to monetize its 800+ million regular users. Facebook is not only a great way to keep in contact with friends and family but has also been a great way to share interests and ads. With the recent launch of its near $100 billion IPO and shareholders eager to make an even larger profit from the offering, Facebook needs to find a more productive way to associate dollar signs with some or all of the individuals that use the site on a daily basis. This year seems to be a great year for Facebook, as the platform is about to launch Facebook Exchange, a new Advertising platform that could rival Google’s Adwords platform.

This is a preview of What Is Facebook Exchange And Why Should Advertisers And Shareholders Be Excited?. Click here to read What Is Facebook Exchange And Why Should Advertisers And Shareholders Be Excited? in full (1197 words, 2 images, estimated 4:47 mins reading time)

Informative Product Reviews Can Boost Your Online Marketing Integrity And Presence

In the world of business, both online and off, nothing sells quite like an informative product review. An informative review gives potential customers a chance to essentially try your product out before they buy. As they read the review, these potential customers are living vicariously through the author as they learn about the benefits of your product, any drawbacks and everything else they might like to learn before they make a buying decision. If you think about it, a good informative product review is just like having your own personal salesman enticing people to buy. Properly written, an informative product review can boost your image in the minds of consumers and send your sales figures through the roof.

This is a preview of Informative Product Reviews Can Boost Your Online Marketing Integrity And Presence. Click here to read Informative Product Reviews Can Boost Your Online Marketing Integrity And Presence in full (777 words, 3 images, estimated 3:06 mins reading time)

Getting Web Traffic With Social Media

Without web traffic, your online marketing efforts are going to fall very flat. Lucky for you, there is tons of web traffic out there. With billions of people using the Internet on a daily basis, you only need to funnel a tiny fraction of that web traffic in your direction and you’ll succeed. One of the best ways to funnel this traffic is with social media. Social media is taking the world by storm. Young people, middle aged and elderly alike use social media and this makes it one of the best forms of traffic generation the world has ever seen. The thing is, getting web traffic with social media is much easier said than done. It must be handled very delicately if you hope to succeed. Social media traffic generation rule number one is: Don’t be a salesperson.

This is a preview of Getting Web Traffic With Social Media. Click here to read Getting Web Traffic With Social Media in full (814 words, 3 images, estimated 3:15 mins reading time)

The Benefits Of Social Networking

Social networking has taken the world by storm, but is it really necessary for business? If you want to draw more attention to your business and brand online, the answer is yes. You need social networking, period. There’s no other way around it. The way the Internet is evolving, you soon won’t have an option whether or not to engage in social media. If you do anything online, it will probably find you. That’s how much the world has taken to this media phenomenon. What are the true benefits of engaging in social media, you might ask? Let’s just say that you’ll soon see why so many online business owners choose social networking as one of their prime marketing efforts.

This is a preview of The Benefits Of Social Networking. Click here to read The Benefits Of Social Networking in full (788 words, 5 images, estimated 3:09 mins reading time)

20 Ways To Drive Traffic With Pinterest

If you haven’t heard of Pinterest, the latest social network to take the world by storm, I hope you enjoyed your trip underneath that rock for the past few years. Pinterest is a user-friendly platform that provides you with virtual pin-up board to which you can ‘pin’ photos and videos that happen to interest you. So, essentially, you are ‘Pinning’ your interests, hence the name. While Pinterest may sound cute and fun, it is much more than that, particularly for online marketers.
With Pinterest, if you know what you’re doing, you can drive tons of traffic to any site, blog or landing page, engage with readers much more effectively and you can build a visual representation of your business that your audience truly responds to.

This is a preview of 20 Ways To Drive Traffic With Pinterest. Click here to read 20 Ways To Drive Traffic With Pinterest in full (1602 words, 3 images, estimated 6:24 mins reading time)

Facebook Marketing & The Changes to Facebook Fan Pages: On Tonight’s Internet Marketing This Week

Tonight I’ll show you a technique for using Facebook & go over the changes that happened today impacting Facebook fan pages. As usual, I’ll also help you with ANY online marketing question you may have. So you’ll really want to tune in TONIGHT for my LIVE show & learn all about it:

The show starts tonight at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:

(this is the public show page)

This is a preview of Facebook Marketing & The Changes to Facebook Fan Pages: On Tonight’s Internet Marketing This Week. Click here to read Facebook Marketing & The Changes to Facebook Fan Pages: On Tonight’s Internet Marketing This Week in full (126 words, estimated 30 secs reading time)

Tonight’s LIVE Show: Twitter Advertising, Google Buzz Promotions & Social Media Campaign Tools

Well… it’s Tuesday & you know what that means: It’s time for my weekly live show! This week I’m covering breaking news on Google Buzz & Twitter. I’ve also got 2 really awesome tools you can use to manage your online social media campaigns. So you’ll really want to tune in TONIGHT for my LIVE show & learn all about it:

The show starts tonight at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:


This is a preview of Tonight’s LIVE Show: Twitter Advertising, Google Buzz Promotions & Social Media Campaign Tools. Click here to read Tonight’s LIVE Show: Twitter Advertising, Google Buzz Promotions & Social Media Campaign Tools in full (143 words, estimated 34 secs reading time)

LIVE TONIGHT: Your Social Media Marketing Command Center. FaceBook & Twitter On Steroids!

I’m sure you’ve heard it’s critical that your business use sites like Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace, Google Buzz & the dozens of others like them. The problem is that it takes so much time! You’ll want to tune in LIVE tonight because I’ll show you how to create your very own social command center so you can be active on all these sites without wasting hours & hours of time…

The show starts TONIGHT Tuesday March 2nd at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern. Stop by early & say hi:

This is a preview of LIVE TONIGHT: Your Social Media Marketing Command Center. FaceBook & Twitter On Steroids!. Click here to read LIVE TONIGHT: Your Social Media Marketing Command Center. FaceBook & Twitter On Steroids! in full (139 words, estimated 33 secs reading time)