What Is SEO Hosting? & What Is A “Class C” IP Address?

Every computer on the Internet has an IP address. Your computer, your web enabled phone and the server that hosts your websites all have IP addresses. They usually look something like this:

As you see above, there are 4 sets of numbers separated by dots.

The first set of numbers is the ‘A’ class
The second set is the ‘B’ class
The third set of numbers the ‘C’ class
And finally the fourth set is the ‘D’ class

Something a bit like this:

This is a preview of What Is SEO Hosting? & What Is A “Class C” IP Address?. Click here to read What Is SEO Hosting? & What Is A “Class C” IP Address? in full (275 words, estimated 1:06 mins reading time)

Over $10,000 In Cash & Prizes In The NEW Contest Burner Viral Martketing Campaign

I’m following up from last night’s show in case you missed it. I’ve launched a brand new Contest Burner contest for over $10,000 in cash & prizes! Watch this YouTube Video that explains everything and shows off an amazing new way you can drive viral traffic to your website:

You Should Also Click Here To Watch The Viral Video Campaign On YouTube Directly
(While on YouTube you can: comment, rate, favorite, subscribe & post video responses to that video & you’ll automatically earn bonus points in the $10,000 contest)

This is a preview of Over $10,000 In Cash & Prizes In The NEW Contest Burner Viral Martketing Campaign. Click here to read Over $10,000 In Cash & Prizes In The NEW Contest Burner Viral Martketing Campaign in full (191 words, estimated 46 secs reading time)

Live Marketing Show TONIGHT: Viral Video Marketing

On tonight’s live show: I’ll premier for you a funny video from a talented 10 year old filmmaker and let you watch live as I make it go viral. Then I’ll share with you some techniques for doing the exact same thing to your videos. A video going “viral” and getting huge traffic isn’t random chance. There are specific steps you take to cause it to go viral and these are skills you really need to know. That’s why you’re gonna really want to tune in tonight!

This is a preview of Live Marketing Show TONIGHT: Viral Video Marketing. Click here to read Live Marketing Show TONIGHT: Viral Video Marketing in full (182 words, estimated 44 secs reading time)

Increase Website Traffic With A Viral Marketing Contest

I mentioned yesterday that I launched a new viral marketing site called ContestBurner.com where you can get a copy of my viral marketing WordPress Plugin.  The plugin lets you run your very own viral contest on any WordPress blog.  I’m giving away the free version of the plugin early to all the visitors who participate in the contest.

This is a preview of Increase Website Traffic With A Viral Marketing Contest. Click here to read Increase Website Traffic With A Viral Marketing Contest in full (287 words, estimated 1:09 mins reading time)

Live Twitter Game Tonight: WIN BILL’S MONEY!

On tonight’s live show over at: http://www.billmcintosh.tv/live (the show starts tonight July 28th at 6:30 PM Pacific Time & 9:30 PM Eastern Time) I’ll be handing out $100 cash!

That’s right… it’s your shot at a game I’m running on Twitter.  Just retweet: this post on Twitter

I’ll randomly pick one of the retweets and hand out $100 cash on my show tonight.  So the more retweets you send the greater your odds 🙂  You’ll also need to be watching the show in order to collect your cash.

This is a preview of Live Twitter Game Tonight: WIN BILL’S MONEY!. Click here to read Live Twitter Game Tonight: WIN BILL’S MONEY! in full (143 words, estimated 34 secs reading time)

Driving Search Engine Listings, Traffic & Sales With Social Media Sites

This is a very time sensitive post: In just a little while I’m doing a no cost live webinar on how to drive traffic & get search engine listings using social media sites.  This is a valuable tactic hardly anyone is using and I’m doing the training exclusively for people who sign up for my “early bird” list over on Business Inner Circle Elite at:

If you go sign up now, You’ll still have time to get in.  I’ll email everyone on the early bird list when I go live.  I’ll also set up an archive of the live training and will email all “early birds” with the link.

Signing up to the early bird list doesn’t obligate you to buy anything. By signing up you’ll qualify to get your 50% off coupon when I put Business Inner Circle Elite on sale.  In addition I’m giving away great training like this for no cost to everyone who signs up. Since you’re interested in learning this stuff, you’ll definitely want to sign up before you run out of time:

I’ll see you on the live training!

Cool Online Marketing News: Get My Team & I To Coach You!

I’ve really been having a lot of fun doing my weekly online marketing show & helping people learn how earn more money with their businesses (or start new ones that make money) using the power of the Internet.  Now I’m about to take it to a whole new level!

You’re really going to want to hear the big announcement I’m making on Tuesday night. There’s going to be fun, $4,000 in prizes, huge discounts… and Fireworks! (ok… maybe no fireworks, but I wish there were)

This is a preview of Cool Online Marketing News: Get My Team & I To Coach You!. Click here to read Cool Online Marketing News: Get My Team & I To Coach You! in full (212 words, estimated 51 secs reading time)

Bill McIntosh’s Cinco De Mayo Online Marketing Party!

It’s Tuesday & you know what that means… It’s time for my to do my weekly live online marketing show! Since today is the 5th of May I’ve decided to turn my show into a fun filled live “Cinco De Mayo” party!  You’ll want to bring some Corona & join me tonight for my live marketing show.

The show is live TONIGHT (Tuesday May 5thth at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time / 9:30 Eastern)  Stop by for some good times. As usual, I’ll also answer your live questions about how to market any business online.  When it’s time to tune in you’ll watch at any of these locations:

This is a preview of Bill McIntosh’s Cinco De Mayo Online Marketing Party!. Click here to read Bill McIntosh’s Cinco De Mayo Online Marketing Party! in full (247 words, estimated 59 secs reading time)

Online Marketing: Can My Team Promote Your Website?

Before you read the rest of this post: I wanted to apologize for the delay in me getting this up on my blog. I meant to post this earlier, but I’ve been out of town at an online marketing seminar. So I really hope you didn’t wait until the last minute & miss out:

A few weeks ago I told you about a new online marketing service I launched where you can get my team to do all your search engine optimization & marketing for you. Well, it’s now officially sold out & all the spots are taken.

This is a preview of Online Marketing: Can My Team Promote Your Website?. Click here to read Online Marketing: Can My Team Promote Your Website? in full (255 words, estimated 1:01 mins reading time)

Tonight’s Live Streaming Show: Can Social Media Sites Like Twitter Help Your Business?

It seems sites like Twitter & FaceBook have been in the media almost daily. All the celebrities are piling on the social media bandwagon. You can find them all online using social networking sites. Even Oprah & Barbara Walters are on Twitter! The big question tonight is: Can these social media sites really help your business? Or is it all a bunch of hype?

This is a preview of Tonight’s Live Streaming Show: Can Social Media Sites Like Twitter Help Your Business?. Click here to read Tonight’s Live Streaming Show: Can Social Media Sites Like Twitter Help Your Business? in full (132 words, estimated 32 secs reading time)