No Time For Article Writing? Building The Best Team Of Writers For Your Niche

If you hope to succeed as an online marketer, you are going to have to commit yourself to doing tons and tons of writing. Your business’s articles, web pages, press releases, autoresponders and all other marketing materials aren’t going to write themselves. If you don’t have time to write or you absolutely hate the process of writing, you’re not alone. Most business owners that do their own online marketing don’t always have time to write a text message let alone an entire well-researched article. This is why it becomes imperative to find a team of professional and skilled writers who can crank out the content you need. Don’t just choose any writer for the job. You must be very selective if you want to maximize your success. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect writer for the job.

This is a preview of No Time For Article Writing? Building The Best Team Of Writers For Your Niche. Click here to read No Time For Article Writing? Building The Best Team Of Writers For Your Niche in full (824 words, 3 images, estimated 3:18 mins reading time)

The Solution to Duplicate Content

Noone likes searching for something on the internet and seeing multiple sites with the same information on them. So to improve the users’ experience, Google is very hard on those who post duplicate content, their own or stolen from others.

So how do you find out if your content is unique? How do you know if your writers are writing original articles or just copying and pasting someone else’s? You now have a tool to find this out for you. It’s called Plagium. is a very simple tool. You enter a paragraph into the field, and it finds out if it’s unique or not, shows you how many times it’s been used, and where it’s located.

This is a preview of The Solution to Duplicate Content. Click here to read The Solution to Duplicate Content in full (179 words, estimated 43 secs reading time)

Forum Roundup: Online Marketing Questions Answered

You got questions?  Well…we got answers.

Throughout the week, members of my website ask questions on our forums.  The members help each other, and my staff are there to answer questions as well.  And on Tuesday nights I answer a few of the forum questions live on my show. Two great questions were posed this past week in the forums, so I decided to answer them on the show.

Question 1 was about article writing, its value and the issue of duplicate content.

This is a preview of Forum Roundup: Online Marketing Questions Answered. Click here to read Forum Roundup: Online Marketing Questions Answered in full (163 words, 1 image, estimated 39 secs reading time)