Taking Your Affiliate Marketing To The Next Profitable Step And Beyond

By now you have dived into affiliate marketing headfirst. You have done your research, you have chosen your niche and you may have picked out a few products to promote. If you think this is all there is to affiliate marketing, you are sadly mistaken. While having one or two products is great and while those products may bring you a couple hundred bucks a month if you’re lucky, we’re going to take your affiliate marketing campaigns much, much higher.

This is a preview of Taking Your Affiliate Marketing To The Next Profitable Step And Beyond. Click here to read Taking Your Affiliate Marketing To The Next Profitable Step And Beyond in full (1413 words, 3 images, estimated 5:39 mins reading time)

How To Tell A Good Affiliate Offer from a Bad One

This was a question from the live chat during my 15 Dec 09 show, and I felt it was an important one so I wanted to mention it here.

“To prevent promoting unethical companies, would it be best to just find affiliate offers through known networks? Any advice on this?”

Yes, I do have advice. Here are a couple tips to ensure you are promoting a good product or service:

This is a preview of How To Tell A Good Affiliate Offer from a Bad One. Click here to read How To Tell A Good Affiliate Offer from a Bad One in full (205 words, 1 image, estimated 49 secs reading time)