Online Marketing for Your Small Business

It is no secret that the world has gone digital. Nearly every adult in this country has a smartphone in their pocket. Even the elderly, who used to shun technology in previous generations, know how to use the computer and many use it for shopping, entertainment and more. Even kids have smartphones and many of them, including children from three to five, know how to use home tablet computers; and some parents report that their kids even know how to access iTunes so that they can pay for extras for their favorite games. With all of this digital technology all around us, it would definitely pay off for your small business to join the online race. Marketing your small business online may seem like an overwhelming prospect right now, as there are so many tools and techniques to discuss; but for right now it is important to start slow. Here is an outline of a basic online marketing campaign that will blast your small business message to your target audience while keeping costs to a minimum and growing your business at the same time.

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